Your best chance to beat the ticket is when the officer fails to appear in court. You can cross-examine him if he does show. But, how do i beat a speeding ticket in court? Don’t testify if there is no jury and don’t make an opening statement. Provi
Fighting Speeding Ticket
Published on August 15, 2006 By UrbanHotList In Car Help
Your best chance to beat the ticket is when the officer fails to appear in court. You can cross-examine him if he does show. But, how do i beat a speeding ticket in court? Don’t testify if there is no jury and don’t make an opening statement. Provide as little as possible information until it is your turn to cross-examine the witness. Question the officer about the correct procedure to handle the radar or laser unit, when it was calibrated, about the weather conditions, and traffic flow. Your object is to create reasonable doubt.

Prepare your case and examine all evidence. Visit the court before the trial date and get a feel for the court procedure. Practice your cross-examination and closing statement. Don’t argue that you were late or had a personal emergency. Object to speculation and hear say. These are just a few pointers on how do i beat a speeding ticket.

Beating a speeding tickets has never been easier with this 65+ page Guide with all the ticket beating tricks that Traffic Cops don't want you to know. If you should fight, plea bargain, or pay the fine! How to plan ahead! Your basic rights! What to do in court! About radar, laser, and photo-laser units! About other types of tickets: red lights, stop signs, u-turns, parking tickets, etc! Beat a speeding ticket And much, MUCH MORE!! for a FREE How to beat Speeding tickets report email us at

Please visit

on Aug 15, 2006
That information sounds really savvy...but I say, If caught speeding, fess up and pay the piper. Then don't get caught speeding again.

P.S. Spam is lame.
on Aug 16, 2006
Urbanhotlist is a fake site anyway. I ordered a wholesale list from them and never received it. Feel free to deal with if you don't mind throwing away your money.
on Aug 16, 2006
on Sep 05, 2006
Maybe your so stupid and dont know how to download the list... y dont you go study more about downloading the list stupid!
on Oct 01, 2007
Maybe your so stupid and dont know how to download the list... y dont you go study more about downloading the list stupid!

Why don't you go study more about minding your own fucking business....or are you working for urbanhotlist?

Or maybe.....(drum roll)'re just a fucking asshole!!!!

(*loud applause*)  

Yeah that's it! You win the grand prize!!!!!  

Roddy tell him what he's won!

Announcer: Well he's just won a slap in the face with that stupid ass urbanhotlist list that apparently he's so skilled in downloading!!!!  

Go fuck yourself asshole.